Volume : VI, Issue : I, January - 2017
Comparative Physiological study for Audiometry between Normal and Industrial Employee
Dr. Brijesh Baranda, Dr. Ashok Goswami
Abstract :
Continuous exposure to noise of high frequency causes Noise-Induced heå Loss (NIHL) at 4KHz. We should focus on employee’s use of heå protection devices (HPDs) rather than on controlling the noise exposure at its source. The objectives were to assess and comparison of heå threshold in normal healthy subjects and industrial employees and also to find out prevalence of heå loss and relationship between heå loss and age group. Total 50 healthy subjects and 50 industrial employees of Dhaal enterprise ltd, Ahmedabad underwent a pure tone pure tone audiometry. Heå threshold for air conduction and bone conduction in both ear at each frequency was higher in Industrial employee as compared to normal subjects. There were 20 industrial employees (40%) suffering from 4 kHz notch in right ear and 4 (8%).It was observed that the proportion of heå impairment (mild, moderate, moderately severe and severe) in both ear increased as age increased. Mild deafness in right ear was prevalent among 13 employees(26%) and in left ear 16 employees (32%), moderate deafness in right ear prevalent among 5 employees(10%) and in left ear 4 employees (8%), moderately severe deafness prevalent among 6 employees(12%) in both ear and severe deafness prevalent among 2 employees (4%) in right ear and 1 employee (2%) left ear. In more than 60 year older industrial employees moderate heå loss (41 to 55 db) was observed at 1000Hz, 2000 Hz, 4000 Hz and moderately severe hå loss (56 to 70 db) at 8000 Hz in right ear. In left ear of more than 60 year older industrial employees moderate heå loss (41 to 55 db) was observed at 2000 Hz, 4000 Hz and 8000 Hz.
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DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra
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Dr. Brijesh Baranda, Dr. Ashok Goswami, Comparative Physiological study for Audiometry between Normal and Industrial Employee, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-6, Issue-1, January‾2017
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Dr. Brijesh Baranda, Dr. Ashok Goswami, Comparative Physiological study for Audiometry between Normal and Industrial Employee, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-6, Issue-1, January‾2017