Volume : V, Issue : X, October - 2016


Vijayvergiya Shalini, Prof. Bhargav Makodia

Abstract :

 Evolvement of population and communication involving with regards to seamless roaming for their routine life and its safety give researcher to work on to fulfill their booming demand of optimization for wireless routing protocol give site to research that VANET can be a special class of MANET in which every node is a vehicle moving in traffic with due consideration of parametric effect, opened door for enhancement in routing protocol like safety, efficiency w.r.t. time-distance-fuel consumption along with throughput, node delay, overhead, QoS etc. High mobility, varying node density, high processing power, movement at high speeds, difficult communication scenarios with short link lifetime are the variety of uniqueness which transplant MANET into VANET. Recent work on routing protocol such as AODV, DSR and LAR shows significant performance ping pong effect on their parameters. LAR shows considerable advantage over AODV and DSR. In this thesis performance optimization has been carried out on NS-2 simulation tool considering most of the parameters for LAR with comparison of already existing protocol

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Vijayvergiya shalini, Prof. Bhargav makodia COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF LAR ROUTING PROTOCOL IN 802.11 P – VANET Global Journal For Research Analysis,Volume-5, Issue-10, October‾2016

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