Volume : V, Issue : X, October - 2016

Clinico-pathological profile of early deaths in PICU

Mauskar Anupama, Rewatkar Neeta, Khare Manisha

Abstract :

 Pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) is an important component of any tertiary care center. The practice of pediatric critical care is dynamic and evolving. Children admitted in PICU are at increased risk for adverse outcomes including cardiopulmonary arrest and mortality. Despite of extensive and full hearted efforts deaths do occur. Although the primary clinical diagnosis is accurate in most cases before death, the cause of death remains frequently unknown in many cases. Pediatric autopsy is therefore an important medical and quality assurance procedure for ascertaining the accurate cause of death. The present study was carried out in tertiary care teaching hospital to know about the clinic-pathologic proöle of early PICU deaths and its discrepancy with postmortem öndings using Goldman classiöcation

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Mauskar Anupama, Rewatkar Neeta, Khare Manisha Clinico-pathological profile of early deaths in PICU Global Journal For Research Analysis,Volume-5, Issue-10, October‾2016

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