Volume : VII, Issue : VII, July - 2018

Citrobacter Species: An Emerging Nosocomial Pathogen and its Antibiotic resistance pattern at a tertiary care centre

Dr Mayuri Bhise, Dr Ruchita Gawande, Dr Anu Sharma, Dr Kishor Ingole

Abstract :

BACKGROUND & OBJECTIVES: Citrobacter species are a distinct group of aerobic gram negative bacilli of Family Enterobacteriaceae. Citrobacter species have been reported to cause wide range ofinfections with simple Urinary tract Infections to Septicaemia.  Although Citrobacter species once considered as less frequent nosocomial pathogen, at present they are posing a major health concern to the microbiologist & clinician because of their multiple drug resistance.AIMS AND OBJECTIVES:-a)Tocharacterize the infections caused by Citrobacter species. b) To study the occurrence of risk factors for infection with Citrobacter species c)To assess the antibiotic susceptibility pattern of Citrobacter species

MATERIALS AND METHODS: During the study period of one year from May 2017 to April 2018, 800 clinical specimens were collected and processed from patients with different risk factors.Citrobacter species isolated   and were speciated using biochemical reactions. Antibiogram of Citrobacter species was performed and interpreted as per CLSI guidelines

RESULTS: Of the 800 samples 250 Citrobacter species were isolated .There was a highly significant difference in the resistance of the Citrobacter isolates to all the antimicrobials including beta lactams, quinolones and aminoglycosides. ESBL production was seen in 64% of the hospital CONCLUSION: The present study highlighted the impact of

Nosocomial infections caused by Citrobacter species & its multiple drug resistance nature towards commonly used antibiotics..

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Dr Mayuri Bhise, Dr Ruchita Gawande, Dr Anu sharma, Dr Kishor Ingole, Citrobacter Species: An Emerging Nosocomial Pathogen and its Antibiotic resistance pattern at a tertiary care centre, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-7 | Issue-7 | July-2018

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