Volume : IV, Issue : IV, April - 2015
Challenges of Human Resource Management in 21st century
Prof. Aditi A. Damle
Abstract :
Challenge is always offset by opportunity. Today’s widespread market volatility, coupled with layoffs, talent shortages
and rapid shifts in technology, points to heightened challenges for human resources (HR) organizations. Over the
next decade the HR profession will face a wide range of issues, which can be consolidated into a list of major hurdles.
As a starting point, one of the most important challenges for an organization is becoming an employer of choice. This involves creating an
environment where people want to come and work, contribute while they are there and stay long enough to make a difference. HR’s success in
surmounting its challenges is evidenced by ROI not only in terms of money, but also in efficiencies, effectiveness and organizational best practices.
All great companies look for the best ways to perform HR–related tasks. However, thinking about HR only as a department obscures HR’s
enterprise–wide function, which permeates the entire organization. Just as finance touches every area of a business — usually in the form of a
budget — human capital is an entity affecting the enterprise in its totality. Therefore, instead of considering HR as an isolated department, great
companies shift their focus toward enterprise–wide people processes, of which HR is an integrated part.
Technology has changed everything with great extent, the methods of production, the process of recruitment, the training techniques, and new
equipment etc. Now HR Managers should prepare themselves to face challenges of 21st Century and find out solutions. And they should convert
challenges into opportunities. In this paper I have discussed not only those foremost & common issues and challenges which are confronting
today Organization like Globalization, diversity at workplace, Technology etc but also eight critical issues which I feel most difficult challenges
in front of HR Management and can convert into opportunities. To overcome these issues and challenges the HR mangers will have to build a
standard structure that allows managing all different workforce alternatives. This way the organization maintains their competitive advantages.
This Paper will examine eight critical trends. These trends will continue to present both challenges and opportunities for the HR
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DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra
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Prof. Aditi A. Damle Challenges of Human Resource Management in 21st century Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 4, Issue: 4 April 2015
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Prof. Aditi A. Damle Challenges of Human Resource Management in 21st century Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 4, Issue: 4 April 2015