Volume : VI, Issue : II, February - 2017
Challenges Of Current Education System & Spiritual Education
Tulika Tandon
Abstract :
By Education, I mean the all-round drawing out of the best in child & man-body, mind and soul�. M.K.Ghandhi.
This definition of education is apt in today�s time where the all-round development has mind & body, but not soul. In ancient times education was imparted in Guru- Shishyaparampara (Master- Disciple system) which is now more formal system of teaching i.e. school system. Primary, secondary and higher education is imparted in a group and in a systematic, orderly form in schools and institutes. Students are taught by many faculties and are exposed to multiple subjects at a given time. Today�s education is completely subject oriented where you have to memorise certain facts about particular subjects and reproduce those on the examination day .It�s more like a memory test than learning test. Thishas resulted in a situation of learning crisis. Today�s education teaches the student to be competitive & to always win and score. It doesn�t teach them to be practical that learning while making mistakes is fine. It doesn�t teach them to be sensitive enough towards other colleague�s needs and sentiments. It teaches them to be a good fighter but not a good human being .The road ahead is not just to make students ready for future challenges but also to sensitise them towards becoming a good human being first. This change is possible by changing the mind-set of the people. This is possible only by including subjects like human values,ethics,and emotional well –being in the school curriculum at primary level only. This can do wonders and ing positive results. This will not only empower them to fight& survive in a competitive world but will make them prosper with self- esteem and live a dignified respectful life. This will improve the inner well –being of the people of the society. The overall health of the individual and society depends upon the inner well – being of the individuals and not merely upon economic status of the individual ,society and nation.Inner well – being is possible only through spiritual and value – based education.By doing so we�ll truly achieve the above said definition of education given by M.K. ghnadhi i.e �By Education, I mean the all-round drawing out of the best in child & man-body, mind and soul�.
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DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra
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Tulika Tandon, Challenges Of Current Education System & Spiritual Education, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-6, Issue-2, February‾2017
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Tulika Tandon, Challenges Of Current Education System & Spiritual Education, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-6, Issue-2, February‾2017