Volume : V, Issue : V, May - 2016


Dr. Sudhansu Sekhar Nayak, Mrs. Tulashi Nayak

Abstract :

 The growing sickness in industrial sector of our country has created an alarming situation not only for entrepreneurs but also for the planners and authorities, particularly to the MSMEs sector of the country. Inspite of the incentives and facilities offered by the government to promote large number of MSMEs units over the years, a substantial number of units have been confronted with a number of problems inging in an inherent feature of incipient sickness, recipitating into situation of critical sickness or closure. This may be due to a most of major key factors. The more common are management failure, lack of finance, shortage of rawmaterials, power cut, labour trouble, marketing problems, etc. Therefore, there is a need to identify sickness in the initial stages and to initiate the process of corrective measures and rehabilitation before the sickness assumes serious proportion.

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Dr. Sudhansu Sekhar Nayak, Mrs. Tulashi Nayak CAUSES OF INDUSTRIAL SICKNESS IN MSME SECTOR : An Analysis Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 5, Issue : 5 MAY 2016

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