Volume : V, Issue : I, January - 2016
Dr. M. Ramya
Abstract :
Consumer plays a vital role in the health of the economy – local, national, and international. The decisions we make concerning our consumption behaviour affect the demand for basic raw materials, for transportation, for production, for banking. Satisfaction refers to the buyer’s stage of being adequately rewarded in a buying situation for the sacrifice he has made. Adequacy of satisfaction is a result of matching actual past purchase and consumption experience with the expected reward from the and in terms of its anticipated potential to satisfy the consumer’s motives. Consumers from certain expectations prior to the purchase. These expectations may be about (i) the nature and performance of the product or service, (that is anticipated benefits to the derived directly from the item) (ii) The cost and efforts to be expanded before obtaining the consumer as a result of the purchase (that is the anticipated impact of the purchase on significant others). Advertising may often be an important factor influencing these expectations, as we shall see later. Consumer may have a variety of product performance expectations, including what the consumers hopes performance will be in terms of an ideal level, what would be fair and equitable given the consumer expenditure of time and money in obtaining and using the product, and what the consumer expects to actually occur. Once consumers purchase and use product, then they may become either satisfied or dissatisfied. Research has uncovered several determinations which appear to influence satisfaction, including demographic variable, personality variables expectations and other factors
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DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra
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Dr.M.Ramya Buyer Satisfaction Towards Car With Special Reference to
Maruti Alto In Erode District Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 5, Issue: 1 January 2016
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Dr.M.Ramya Buyer Satisfaction Towards Car With Special Reference to Maruti Alto In Erode District Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 5, Issue: 1 January 2016