Volume : V, Issue : IV, April - 2016
Borrower rating model for women entrepreneurs
C. Kavitha, Dr. N. Markkandeyan
Abstract :
<p>&nbsp;Revolution of contemporary business environment results in more engagement of women in employment and business. In recent years, this ratio becomes increasing even with developing context including India. Hence, women cope them to involve on entrepreneurial activities with the support of external financial sources mainly includes public sector banks. However, most of the women entrepreneurs (WE) don&rsquo;t know whether they are eligible for loan approval from banks, despite the fact some of the existing studies focused on the problems of financial adoption of WE through banks but still limited with exploring the rating model for the WE borrowers. Minding this gap, this study sought to propose a borrower rating model under the concern of WE with replies of selected five bank managers, includes SBI, IB, IOB, CB, and BOI. From the study, it can be revealed the rating model for WE borrowers, by which both bankers and WE&rsquo;s can improve their credit assessment process.</p>
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DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra
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C. Kavitha, Dr. N. Markkandeyan Borrower rating model for women entrepreneurs Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol.5, Issue : 4 APRIL 2016
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C. Kavitha, Dr. N. Markkandeyan Borrower rating model for women entrepreneurs Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol.5, Issue : 4 APRIL 2016