Volume : VII, Issue : II, February - 2018
Dr. S. Saravanan, Dr. Praveen Singh Peter, Dr. P. K. Murugan, Dr. M. Radha, Dr. C. Rachel, Dr. E. Bobby, Dr. Raeez Mohamed Basher, Dr. Sreejith V Ravi
Abstract :
Chronic subdural hematoma (CSDH) is usually the consequence of rupture of the idging veins that are normally located in the subdural space usually caused by trauma(1). A history of head trauma is not essential for consideration of a diagnosis of CSDH; up to half of the patients presenting with CSDH will not report any history of trauma(2,3). CSDH can present with a vast range of symptoms and signs. Global neurological deficits are common and it can present with gait deficits and falls, dysphasia, seizures, cranial nerve dysfunction, parkinsonian or cerebellar features(4). A few cases of quadriparesis and paraparesis have been described(5). The diagnosis can usually be established by computed tomography (CT) Scan of the ain. The treatment of choice is surgical evacuation, although a ‘watch – and – wait’ (conservative) approach can be employed for selected patients(6).
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DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra
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Dr.S.Saravanan, Dr.Praveen Singh Peter, Dr.P.K.Murugan, Dr.M.Radha, Dr.C.Rachel, Dr.E.Bobby, Dr.Raeez Mohamed Basher, Dr.Sreejith V Ravi, BILATERAL CHRONIC SUBDURAL HEMATOMA AN UNUSUAL PRESENTATION, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : VOLUME-7, ISSUE-2, FEBRUARY-2018
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Dr.S.Saravanan, Dr.Praveen Singh Peter, Dr.P.K.Murugan, Dr.M.Radha, Dr.C.Rachel, Dr.E.Bobby, Dr.Raeez Mohamed Basher, Dr.Sreejith V Ravi, BILATERAL CHRONIC SUBDURAL HEMATOMA AN UNUSUAL PRESENTATION, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : VOLUME-7, ISSUE-2, FEBRUARY-2018