Volume : V, Issue : V, May - 2016

Balance of Sharpshooters while Aiming with High Precision

K Roly Bretz, Bohdan Vinohradsky, Anatoly Lopatyev, Csaba Nyakas

Abstract :

 The aim of this study was to compare the motor control parameters related to shooting which provide postural stability for shooters while aiming and performing the action with high accuracy. Subjects were 66 sharpshooters (air rifle, air pistol and bow) and 22 non-shooter athletes. Postural control was evaluated using a force platform system connected to a HP personal computer. Displacements of center of pressure (COP) were recorded in Romberg position (standstill) as well as in aiming position with opened and closed eyes in both genders. Full-factorial statistical design (ANOVA) demonstrated that sharpshooters stabilize balance better than non-shooters in standstill position. Furthermore, it was proved that holding a weapon while aiming at a target significantly increases postural stability, and the improvement depends on weapon type with an order of rifle>pistol>bow. The results provide data on factors of balance stability in executing a motor action characterized by high accuracy, and rank three shooting sports according to their motor regulation of COP to maintain postural stability. Our findings contribute to understanding and potentially improving top-level performance in sharpshooting.

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Károly Bretz, Bohdan Vinohradsky, Anatoly Lopatyev, Csaba Nyakas Balance of Sharpshooters while Aiming with High Precision Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 5, Issue : 5 MAY 2016

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