Volume : VI, Issue : IV, April - 2017
Bacteriology of Deep seated Abscesses with Special reference to Anaerobes
Dr. Kedar Mohan Tilak
Abstract :
Background: The current study witnesses the changing trends in the organisms that are being isolated from various abscesses at different sites and also the increasing prevalence of anaerobes in these samples which has led to a significant change in the antimicrobial susceptibility of organisms to antibiotics and the subsequent treatment options.
Aims: To isolate and identify the aerobes and anaerobes causing deep seated abscesses and to know the association of aerobes & anaerobes causing deep seated abscesses.
Setting and design: This was a Descriptive Hospital based cross-sectional study done in 50 abscess samples collected from patients admitted in our hospital in Pune city, India. (n=50)
Methods: All samples were collected from abscesses during incision and drainage with sterile needle and syringe after taking universal safety precaution and were subjected to the appropriate isolation techniques.
Statistical analysis: The data generated from study were subjected to simple descriptive statistical analysis using percentage.
Results: Out of the total samples that were collected (50), growth was seen in 78% (39) samples while 22%(11) samples did not show any growth. Maximum number of samples were obtained from east and liver. Only Aerobic growth was seen in 79.48% (31) samples, No samples showed strictly anaerobic growth and Mixed (Aerobic + Anaerobic) growth was Seen in 20.52%(8) samples. E Coli and streptococcus were the most commonly found aerobes and Clostridium was the most common anaerobe.
Conclusion: Deep Abscesses are not visible to the patient and hence they are reported at a very late stage where the complications have already set in. The lack of proper measures taken has resulted in over usage of drugs and caused emergence of resistance to various drugs. A careful attempt should be made to identify the organisms along with proper culturing and treatment which will lead to a decrease in the morbidity and mortality.
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DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra
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Dr. Kedar Mohan Tilak, Bacteriology of Deep seated Abscesses with Special reference to Anaerobes, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-6, Issue-4, April‾2017
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Dr. Kedar Mohan Tilak, Bacteriology of Deep seated Abscesses with Special reference to Anaerobes, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-6, Issue-4, April‾2017