Volume : IV, Issue : VIII, August - 2015


Prof. V. S. Thirunavukkarasu

Abstract :

Dysphagia occurs due to various causes. Here we have a Atypical presentation of Dysphagia Case Report: Sixty year old Mr Arunachalam from No: 19 MGR Nagar, Thiruverkadu was admitted in our Hospital vide IP NO:7121 on 24-03 -2015. For complaints of obstructive feeling in lower part of throat with difficulty in swallowing. Patient gives history of right sided Inguinal Hernioplasty, two months ago outside our hospital. Complaints of pain over Right Testis. On questioning, Patient gives history of having been taking NSAIDS analgesics in the form of Diclofenac sodium, Acenofenac and other anti inflammatory drugs for nearly forty days on and off ON EXAMINATION- Patient was afeile. Pulse 76/minute. BP ;120/80 mm of mg. CVS: Normal. RS: Clear. ABDOMEN:- Soft and scaphoid. No specific tenderness made out over any quadrant of abdomen. No organomegaly. No mass palpaple. Operative site is Healthy. Right testis normal.

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PROF. V. S. THIRUNAVUKKARASU Atypical Presentation of Case of Dysphagia Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 4, Issue: 8 August 2015

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