Volume : IV, Issue : III, March - 2015

Assessment of Risk factors for age related cataract in a rural population of southern India

Manju J. Loya, Pranay Gandhi, Lokesh Kc

Abstract :

 Age related cataract is the major cause of blindness in India.1,2 The prevalence of age related cataract and cataract 

surgery is higher in this rural southern Indian population than reported for most other populations studied.3 A previous 
study reported an earlier age of onset for age related cataract among people from the Indian subcontinent compared 
to other populations.4 Despite the public health significance of cataract in India, there are few reports on the risk factors for age related cataract 
from India.5–7 This paper reports on certain risk factors for age related cataract in a rural population aged 40 years and above in southern India

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Manju J. Loya, Pranay Gandhi, Lokesh KC Assessment of Risk Factors for age Related Cataract in a Rural Population of Southern India Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 4, Issue: 3 March 2015

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