Volume : VII, Issue : VII, July - 2018

Assessment of post operative quality of life in patients with Mandibular Resection followed by Free fibular flap Reconstruction in Oral Cancer - A SINGLE CENTRE STUDY

Dr Shalini Kumari, Dr Rohit Kumar Jha

Abstract :

 Ÿ Squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity is a common type of cancer, especially among male patients, due to

heavy use of tobacco, smoking and drinking habits.1
Ÿ Unfortunately, these tumors are often diagnosed in advanced stages (III and IV), demanding multimodality treatment which includes
extensive resection and radiation or chemo radiation treatments.2
Ÿ Free 􀃶bular 􀃸ap as a source of vascularised bone has gained wide-spread use since its 􀃶rst description by Taylor in 19751
Ÿ Compared to other free 􀃸aps, the free 􀃶bula 􀃸ap offers the greatest bone length, a single vascular pedicle of sufficient length with large
diameter vessels and rich periosteal blood supply.2
Ÿ This allows multiple osteotomies to idge large mandibular defects across the midline, the option for a skin paddle of intermediate
thickness and the opportunity to operate simultaneously at the donor

Keywords :

IEDSS   RMSA   Challenges  

Article: Download PDF    DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra  

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DR SHALINI KUMARI, DR ROHIT KUMAR JHA, Assessment of post operative quality of life in patients with Mandibular Resection followed by Free fibular flap Reconstruction in Oral Cancer‾A SINGLE CENTRE STUDY, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-7 | Issue-7 | July-2018

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