Volume : V, Issue : IV, April - 2016


Dr. C. Susila, Mrs. C. S. Angelin, Dr. R. Shankar Shanmugam

Abstract :

 Varieties of diagnostic tests are available to aid the practioner in diagnosing patients, who present with signs and symptoms of coronary artery disease. Regarding cå and cardiac patients, the importance of nurse cå behavior is the successful care of cardiac patients. The question still remains whether there will be difference in patient satisfaction as it is related to newer nursing care in compå concepts of cå and clinical care. Statement of the problem: A descriptive study on periprocedural nursing care of patients undergoing cardiovascular cartogram in selected hospital, at Kanyakumari District. The research design adopted was descriptive design. The study was conducted on 30 patients of cardiovascular cartogram. The investigator provided periprocedural nursing care for cardiovascular cartogram patients. The cardiovascular cartogram patients were asked to mark the graded score in Likert scale, after periprocedural nursing care. The study concluded that periprocedural nursing care was more effective subjects have scored above 75% and exhibit complete satisfaction of nursing care

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Dr.C.Susila, Mrs.C.S.Angelin, Dr.R.Shankar Shanmugam ASSESSMENT OF PERIPROCEDURAL NURSING CARE OF PATIENTS UNDERGOING CARDIOVASCULAR CARTOGRAM Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol.5, Issue : 4 APRIL 2016

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