Volume : VII, Issue : VIII, August - 2018
Assessment of knowledge regarding administration of injectables with Z - Track technique among staff nurses
Ms. Vidhya. D. Suroshe, Mrs. Pratibha Wankhede
Abstract :
It was felt necessary to conduct this study to compare the effects on pain and drug leakage of the standard intramuscular injection method and the "Z-track technique," which is claimed to be helpful in this regard. Objectives:1. To assess the knowledge regarding administration of injectables with Z - Track technique among staff nurses. To associate the knowledge score with the selected demographic variablesMethod and Material:The study design research desig descriptive research designwas group predescriptive evaluatory approach. Population wasstaff nurses in selected hospital wardha.Sample size200.Result: The above table shows that (1.5%) had poor level of knowledge, (7.5%) were having average level of knowledge, (50.5%) were having good knowledge,(40.5%)were having very good knowledge score and (0%) were having excellent level of knowledge. The minimum score was 3 and the maximum score was 101, the mean score for the test was 14.46 ±3.297 and mean percentage of knowledge was 57.84.The finding of the study show that mean and standard deviation was 14.46and 3.297respectively. And also the mean percentage of knowledge score of staff nurseswas 57.84 respectively. The level of significance scale observed for the study was P<0.05.
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DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra
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Ms. Vidhya. D. Suroshe, Mrs. Pratibha Wankhede, Assessment of knowledge regarding administration of injectables with Z‾Track technique among staff nurses, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-7 | Issue-8 | August-2018
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Ms. Vidhya. D. Suroshe, Mrs. Pratibha Wankhede, Assessment of knowledge regarding administration of injectables with Z‾Track technique among staff nurses, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-7 | Issue-8 | August-2018