Volume : VIII, Issue : VIII, August - 2019


Dr. Manish Parihar, Dr. Rajeev Yadav, Dr. Amitabh Dube, Dr. Ramakant Mishra

Abstract :

INTRODUCTION - Anxiety disorders are,the most common prevalent psychiatric illnesses in the general community are present in 15-20% of medical clinics patient. Hypertension is one of the leading causes of global burden of disease ,doubles the risk of CHD,CHF,Stroke,Renal Failiure,PAD OBJECTIVES – To know post Yoga 10 hr & 1 hr anxiety & blood pressure score METHOD – Inform consent was taken from 14 University Students of mean age group 21.57 years & of Yoga Teacher (those answered NO to all physical activity readiness questions, Health Canada) which had an intervention of 60 minute duration of Yoga & Sports. Then recording of Spielberger’s state anxiety (how respondents feel “right know”) and trait anxiety (how respondents feel “generally”) inventory questionnaires reply score & Blood Pressure recording in mm Hg by sphygmomanometer was done as given in Hutchison’s Clinical Methods .Comparison in same Post Exercise Group {after 10 hr rest & after 1hr rest } was made by applying student t test for equality of means at significance at p value<0.05. RESULT – In Comparison of same Post Yoga Group {after 10 hr rest & after 1hr rest} mean score were; state anxiety 35.36 & 32.14 ,trait anxiety 36.43 & 33.79 ,total anxiety 71.79 & 65.93 ((p>.05) Blood Pressure SBP 129.1 & 119.6, DBP 85.0 & 78.57, MABP 99.69 & 92.24 (p <0.05) CONCLUSION - Yoga intervention after 1 hr of rest having Anxiolytic and Normotensive effect in University Students

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ANXIETY & BLOOD PRESSURE SCORE AFTER YOGA SESSION, Dr.Manish Parihar, Dr.Rajeev Yadav, Dr.Amitabh Dube, Dr.Ramakant Mishra GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-8 | Issue-8 | August-2019

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