Volume : V, Issue : III, March - 2016


Luciano Barreto Silva

Abstract :

 Aim: to describe a case of abscess caused by Pericoronitis which was treated with metronidazole for seven days and the infection ceased within this period, and the patient was sent for dental removal. Methodology: this study was accomplished with the aid of articles concerning Pericoronitis in concomitant observation of the patient´s general state of health, and antibiotic therapy was considered the best choice of treatment. Results: Seven days later the patient was in good condition and ready for dental removal. Conclusion: it was concluded that, in the presence of the acute phase of pericoronitis associated with abscess, metronidazole was an appropriate choice.

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Luciano Barreto Silva ANTIBIOTIC THERAPY IN PERICORONITIS: A CASE REPORT. Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 5, Issue : 3 March 2016

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