Volume : V, Issue : II, February - 2016


Mohammad Atif, M Athar Ansari, Zulfia Khan, Anees Ahmad

Abstract :

 Background: Adolescent is the period between 10 and 19 years. They form the future generation of a country. Adolescents’ nutritional needs are critical for the well being of a society. The adolescents have different needs and have diverse problems. This study was conducted to assess the nutritional status and find out the morbidity pattern of the school going adolescents. Objectives: To study anemia in adolescent school boys aged 10-19 years. Methods: A cross-sectional study was done covering 500 students between 10-19 years of age from rural and urban schools of district Aligarh. Students were interviewed and clinical examination was done. The data obtained were tested statistically by percentages and Chi-square Test using SPSS 20. Results: Overall prevalence of anemia in the study population was found to be 24.0%. Students with severe thinness were most anemic (50.0%) Conclusion: Adolescent is vulnerable age group with high prevalence of anemia, therefore should be given priority in national health programs.

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Mohammad Atif, M Athar Ansari, Zulfia Khan, Anees Ahmad Anemia in Adolescent Boys- A Study in Aligarh Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 5, Issue: 2 February 2016

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