Volume : V, Issue : IV, April - 2016
Analytical Approach of “The Death of the Hired Man”
Dr. Dipti H. Mehta
Abstract :
<p>&nbsp;&lsquo;The Death of the Hired Man&rsquo; is one of the most powerful spectacular narratives of Frost, and was written and published in 1914. Its place in &ldquo;North of Boston&rdquo; as well as in the entire range of Frost&rsquo;s poetry is supreme. The form of the poem is pastoral but Frost gave it a dramatic character and it is in this that his originality lies in a group of contrasting characters; but here there are three characters, instead of two. Aside from some ief descriptive and narrative passages, it is a dialogue and the conversation typifies Robert Frost&rsquo;s skill in making Verse Sound like a talk and in delineating the folks of his region, the temperament and the history of the hired man, Silas are shown indirectly by discussion about him and his return and death are important incidents. Silas is lazy, sponging rogue who on many occasions has wandered away only to return and take advantage of the kindness of his employers, Mary and Warren. These employers reveal their characters, as they converse about the latest return of their pathetic; but rather interesting hired employee. In the discussion which follows the wife deftly wins the husband over to her point of view when Warren goes back to speak to Silas, he makes the ironic discovery that Silas is no more in the world.</p>
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DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra
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Dr. Dipti H. Mehta Analytical Approach of “The Death of the Hired Man” Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol.5, Issue : 4 APRIL 2016
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Dr. Dipti H. Mehta Analytical Approach of “The Death of the Hired Man” Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol.5, Issue : 4 APRIL 2016