Volume : VI, Issue : III, March - 2017

Analysis of Performance Measure of Cost Function-Fuzzy Batch Arrival Queuing Model

M. Kalyana Sundaram, Dr. S. Kumara Ghuru

Abstract :

 Housing Industry although a significant contributor to India’s GDP and second largest facilitator of employment in the country also contributes significantly to the consumption of energy and emission of carbon dioxide gases. In order to resolve this problem green buildings with alternative low embodied energy housing materials are considered to be viable options. This paper presented a case study of Govardhan Eco Village where these low embodied energy housing materials and techniques were used for construction which not only led to conservation of energy but also lead to cost savings. 

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Gauranga Das, Low Embodied Energy Housing Alternatives at Govardhan Eco Village, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-6, Issue-3, March‾2017

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