Volume : V, Issue : X, October - 2016


Irshad Nazeer, Dr. G. Venkatesh Kumar

Abstract :

 The rules of work are changing increasingly. The increasing complexities both in business as well as in human behavior have created the need for not only people with high Intelligent Quotient (IQ) but people with high Emotional Quotient (EQ) also. In the present era where the slogan “Customer is the King” prevails in every organization the emotionally imbalanced employees may find it hard to achieve their targets or deliver their reports on time. The way a person feels affects the way he behaves and the way he behaves will not only have the relationship with his achievements, but also affects the performance of those around him. Keeping this in view, the present paper is an attempt to unveil the perception of bank employees towards emotional quotient, factors affecting their emotional intelligence and its effect on their performaThe rules of work are changing increasingly. The increasing complexities both in business as well as in human behavior have created the need for not only people with high Intelligent Quotient (IQ) but people with high Emotional Quotient (EQ) also. In the present era where the slogan “Customer is the King” prevails in every organization the emotionally imbalanced employees may find it hard to achieve their targets or deliver their reports on time. The way a person feels affects the way he behaves and the way he behaves will not only have the relationship with his achievements, but also affects the performance of those around him. Keeping this in view, the present paper is an attempt to unveil the perception of bank employees towards emotional quotient, factors affecting their emotional intelligence and its effect on their performance.nce.

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Article: Download PDF    DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra  

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Irshad Nazeer, Dr. G. Venkatesh Kumar ANALYSIS OF EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE ON JOB PERFORMANCE OF BANK OFFICERS Global Journal For Research Analysis,Volume-5, Issue-10, October‾2016

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