Volume : VII, Issue : VIII, August - 2018

Analysis of Caesarean Section Using Robson Ten Group Classification System in a Tertiary Care Hospital of Kolkata

Dr. Sisir Kumar Chowdhury, Dr. Anupama Mahli

Abstract :

Introduction:-Caesarean sectionis the procedure in which an  incision is given into the abdomen and uterus through which the babies are extracted.Aims and Objectives- To analyze  Caesarean  section  (CS)  rates using Robson  Ten  Group  Classification System (TGCS)  at  the  National  Medical  College  And  Hospital,  Kolkata .Material and Methods:-A cross sectional Analytical study was done among 1704  patient delivered either vaginally or caesarean section during a year (May 1, 2012, to April  31, 2013) in   Obstetrics   and   Gynaecologydepartment  ofNational  Medical  College  And  Hospital. Result-During  May-2012  to  April  2013there  were  1704women  who  gave  birth in  unit -II  of  CNMCH  of  whom  96(56.87%)  had  a vaginal  delivery  and 735  had    caesarean  section  (40.4%).  Conclusion:-Overall Caesarean  section rate is 40.4%.  The rates of caesarean section did not vary significantly among booked and referred cases.  According to Robson TGCS  Group  1,  3,  and 5, forms the largest group

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Dr. Sisir Kumar Chowdhury, Dr. Anupama Mahli, Analysis of Caesarean Section Using Robson Ten Group Classification System in a Tertiary Care Hospital of Kolkata, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-7 | Issue-8 | August-2018

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