Volume : IV, Issue : VII, July - 2015

An Indian scenario of metabolic syndrome in acute coronary syndrome patients

Dr Shashi Mundhra, Dr Umesh Parmar

Abstract :

We studied 100 patients of ACS attending medical unit and divided them according to age group, life style, risk factors, social groups and associated co morbidities.We found to have higher prevelance of metabolic syndrome at the age of >40 years (74%), with sedentary life style (86%), in upper middle and lower middle social group(58%) and with history of tobacco chewing (22%), smoking (20%) and alcohol drinking (16%). In our study 85% had BMI of >=25 – a definite risk factor for metabolic syndrome and 67% had waist circumference in the range of criteria of metabolic syndrome. In our study 51% had impaired fasting glucose and 40% had diabetes. LVEF was low in cases with metabolic syndrome (46%) as compared to those without metabolic syndrome. The incidence of triple vessel disease was higher in patients with metabolic syndrome. The waist circumference is better and important predictor of CAD and susceptibility to development of ACS than other parameters of obesity.

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Dr shashi Mundhra, Dr Umesh Parmar An Indian Scenario of Metabolic Syndrome in Acute Coronary Syndrome Patients Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 4, Issue: 7 July 2015

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