Volume : V, Issue : X, October - 2016
Rudrama Devi. K, Minny Jael . P, Dilip Reddy. K
Abstract :
Subjects occupationally exposed to potential mutagens/carcinogens represent themost suitable groups for epidemiological studies aimed at assessing the risk for the individual or the offspring. Several cancer risks to humans have been detected by epidemiological studies performed in occupational settings. The epidemiology studies have been able (a) to identify specific occupations or agents associated with the risk; (b) to verify the results of experimental studies; and (c) to test the effectiveness of changes in production or preventive measures in decreasing risks. Reproductive epidemiology has suggested a risk of spontaneous abortions or of malformation in the offspring of workers exposed to some chemicals or occupations, but data are often conflicting due to methodological problems. With the aim of early assessment of risk in mind, the epidemiological use of indicators of exposure or of the early effect of exposure to genotoxic agents is increasingly applied to occupational groups. Data on the fertility and other reproductive end points in 122 workers exposed to organic solvents were recorded by using standard questionnaire. The exposed group were further categorized based on duration of exposure, life style and socio-economic status. The statistical analysis shows that the differences in the reproductive end points between the control and exposed groups were significant (P< 0.05).
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DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra
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Rudrama Devi.K, Minny Jael .P, Dilip Reddy.K AN EPIDEPIOLOGY STUDIES IN SHOE FACTORY WORKERS Global Journal For Research Analysis,Volume-5, Issue-10, October‾2016
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Rudrama Devi.K, Minny Jael .P, Dilip Reddy.K AN EPIDEPIOLOGY STUDIES IN SHOE FACTORY WORKERS Global Journal For Research Analysis,Volume-5, Issue-10, October‾2016