Volume : IV, Issue : III, March - 2015
Abdul Tayyab Khan
Abstract :
ULIP is an abeviation for Unit Linked Insurance Policy. A ULIP is a life insurance policy which provides a combination of
risk cover and investment. The dynamics of the capital market have a direct beå on the performance of the ULIPs. For
selling an ULIP not only the in–depth knowledge of the product is required but also the scanning and keen observation
of capital market is also required which is troublesome matter on both fronts i.e. on the front of an FPA and on the front of an investor in most of
the time, because no doubt an FPA goes through the prerequisite training by IRDA for selling insurance, but there also he is only taught about the
basic features of ULIPs and how they are different from traditional insurance plan but they were not given a very detailed knowledge of capital
market where the units of an ULIP has to be allocated and how the dynamics of capital market has a direct impact on the different funds of that
are offered in an ULIP, and in which market scenario which fund should be suggested to the investor keeping in view his needs and wants.
The counselling and the advice of these FPAs play a very vital role in helping the investor to get zeroed on a particular plan, because an FPA is
supposed to possess all the required knowledge regarding a particular insurance plan which he is suggesting and selling and over all general
awareness of insurance as he is been through all the prerequisite trainings that are required for becoming an FPA or insurance agent. But with
the addition of new ULIPs every now and then in the insurance portfolio things are becoming more complex to understand both for the investors
and insurance agents.
The present study has been undertaken to identify the association between the selling techniques and advices of FPAs and investment behaviour
of the individual and also analyzing the acceptance of insurance by them. The study was conducted using the survey method (Personal
interviews and Telephonic interviews). Data was collected through a close ended structured questionnaire from a sample of 150 respondents
from Lucknow. Regression analysis and Cross Tabs was used to analyze the data and identify the effect of customers’ perception about the quality
of performance of various factors on customer satisfaction.
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DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra
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Abdul Tayyab Khan AN ATTITUDINAL STUDY OF BUYING BEHAVIOUR OF ULIP INVESTORS IN INDIA Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 4, Issue: 3 March 2015
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Abdul Tayyab Khan AN ATTITUDINAL STUDY OF BUYING BEHAVIOUR OF ULIP INVESTORS IN INDIA Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 4, Issue: 3 March 2015