Volume : IV, Issue : IV, April - 2015


Dr. Ram N. Sharma

Abstract :

 A maritime lien is a cross word puzzle or riddled with exceptions, qualifications and conflicting juristic writings for 

many people. In fact, what may be accurate in India may not be same in the circumstances of a particular case or in 
different jurisdictions.Therefore, it is a matter of interpretation. “The Common law principle is that if a man has an article 
delivered to him, on the improvement of which he has to bestow trouble and expense, he has a right to detain it until his demand is paid.” Its 
origin is lex mercatoriathat is mercantile law. Admiralty law has recognized maritime lien since period of long time and to understand it we need 
to refer to English law.Apart from its definition, there are different kinds of liens in practice in India such as particular lien, general lien, statutory 
lien, possessory lien and maritime lien. Importance of maritime lien and its enforcement procedure is explained in this article. It concludes with

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DR. RAM N. SHARMA AN ANALYSIS OF MARITIME LIEN AND ITS PRACTICE IN INDIA Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 4, Issue: 4 April 2015

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