Volume : VI, Issue : I, January - 2017


Sreevidya Sherla, Padma Priya Duggu, Prof . V. Thiruvalluvan

Abstract :

 Cognition and communication are interrelated. There is no communication without cognition. Cognitive abilities are governed by communicative motives. Communication is the foundation of human interaction. Present study is a case report of an aphasic individual on whom a multi parametric tool (ACCE) was administered. ACCE is a comprehensive tool with 16 parameters developed to test individuals with neuro communication disorders. Scoring is done based on the 16 pointing rating scale used in PICA. 16 components of the protocol would assist in finding out he etiology, characteristics and severity of the disorder, counseling the caretaker, restoring the language function and improve the quality of life. Total score is obtained for each of the subtest in the parameters and they are converted into percentages. Test results would aid in selection of an area for rehabilitation and this test acts as a prognostic indicator. It explains in detail the progress of therapeutic process.

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Article: Download PDF    DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra  

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Sreevidya Sherla, Padma Priya Duggu, Prof .V. Thiruvalluvan, ADULT COGNITIVE COMMUNICATION EXAMINATION, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-6, Issue-1, January‾2017

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