Volume : IV, Issue : X, October - 2015

A Survey on Awareness of the People on Solid Waste Management at Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation, Telangana,India

K. Syamala Devi , Dr. A. V. V. S. Swamy, Shaheda Nilofer

Abstract :

 Indiscriminate dumping of solid waste has become a serious environmental problem to society and environment. Waste was an unavoidable by-product of human activities. Economic development, urbanization and improved living standards in cities contribute to increase in the quantity and complexity of generated solid waste. If accumulated, it leads to degradation of urban environment, stresses natural resources and leads to health problems. In this research paper the Survey has been carried out among 370 households of Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation.. A questionnaire was designed on various aspects of waste management such as waste generation, segregation, disposal practices of metal and glass, management of plastic waste, disposal of household hazardous waste and so on.. The main aim of the survey is to analyze the opinions of the citizens about Solid Waste Management. In this survey it was found that 73% of the residents revealed that they store the waste in a plastic bucket or dust bin and 25% of the households store in a plastic carry bag and only 2% throw out on road side. Ninety six percent of the respondents store the waste in the premises is twenty four hours, 88% of the people did not segregate the waste, 65% of the people used buckets for waste storage, about 75% of the households handed over the garbage to the waste collector, 92% of the respondents considered that garbage is a serious problem, 99% did not do composting the waste, 96% of the households did not like to practice vermi composting technology.

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K.Syamala Devi , Dr.A.V.V.S.Swamy, Shaheda Nilofer A Survey on Awareness of the People on Solid Waste Management at Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation, Telangana,India Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 4, Issue: 10 October 2015

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