Volume : VI, Issue : XI, November - 2017
A Study to assess the level of knowledge and practice of mother of under five children regarding prevention and management of worm infestation in selected villages of Waghodia Taluka
Ms. Patel Disha D. , Ms. Patel Disha R. , Ms. Patel Divya, Ms. Patel Ekta, Ms. Parmar Pooja
Abstract :
This study was designed to to assess the level of knowledge and practice of mother of under five children regarding prevention and management of worm infestation in selected villages of Waghodia Taluka. Emphasis was put on trying to establish the relationship between age, type of family, education of mother, occupation, family income, number of children. The validity and reliability of research instruments was established and data was collected from 40 mothers of under five children selected from villages of Waghodia Taluka by using the purposive sampling method. To analyze the data, the Pearson product moment correlation statistical tool was used with the aim of establishing to find association between association between knowledge of mothers regarding prevention and management of worm infestation with their selected demographic variables.This formed the basis of the detailed analysis and conclusions and recommendations.
· To assess the level of knowledge and practice of mothers of under five children regarding prevention and management of worm infestation.
· To correlate knowledge and practice.
· To find out the association between knowledge of mothers regarding prevention and management of worm infestation with their selected demographic variables.
The interventional study was conducted in selected area of Waghodia taluka. The sample consisted of 40 mothers of under five children of selected area of Waghodia taluka. The tools used for data collection was a set demographic variables such as Age of the mother, Types of family, Educational status of mother, Occupational status, Family income & Number of children. Structure knowledge questionnaire (30 questions) and practice check list will be used to assess the knowledge and practice. Mothers prepared by investigator after extensive review of literature. To assess knowledge and practice of mother regarding worm infestation belongs to Waghodia Taluka was the intervention of the study.
The data analyzed from the study subjects were analyzed and interpreted in terms of the objectives and hypothesis of the study. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used for data analysis: the level of significance was at 0.05%.
Reveals that Introduction of worm infestation with 5 items had a mean of 2.5 with a mean % of 50%.Causes with 3 items had a mean of 1.05 with a mean% of 35%. Prevention with 14 items had a mean of 7.28 with a mean% of 52% and Management with 8 items had a mean of 3.23 with mean % of 40.3%.
Present study shows the association between the demographic variables and knowledge scores. The chi square value shows that there is significance association between knowledge score and socio demographic variables such as age, occupation, education, family income, number of children. The calculated chi square values were greater than the table value at the 0.05 level of significance.
In the pretest conducted among 40 participants, 32.50% were having moderately adequate knowledge and 67.50% were having inadequate knowledge on prevention and management of worm infestation.
In practice checklist among 40 participants, 85% having good practice and 15% were having average practice regarding prevention and management of worm infestation.
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DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra
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Ms. Patel Disha D., Ms. Patel Disha R., Ms. Patel Divya, Ms. Patel Ekta, Ms. Parmar Pooja, A Study to assess the level of knowledge and practice of mother of under five children regarding prevention and management of worm infestation in selected villages of Waghodia Taluka, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : VOLUME-6, ISSUE-11, NOVEMBER-2017
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Ms. Patel Disha D., Ms. Patel Disha R., Ms. Patel Divya, Ms. Patel Ekta, Ms. Parmar Pooja, A Study to assess the level of knowledge and practice of mother of under five children regarding prevention and management of worm infestation in selected villages of Waghodia Taluka, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : VOLUME-6, ISSUE-11, NOVEMBER-2017