Volume : VII, Issue : VII, July - 2018

A study to assess the knowledge regarding ill-effects of alcoholism among clients attending De-addiction centre, Nasik.

Prof. Pournima Naik, Mr. Bhushan A. Thombare

Abstract :

 INTRODUCTION: Many people enjoy a glass of wine, a pint of beer or any favorite spirit, and it is part of the culture to relax or to celeate with a drink. However heavy drinking is linked to a number of diseases, including cirrhosis of the liver, heart muscle damage and alcoholic dementia, and it also raises blood pressure, leading to an increased risk of stroke and coronary heart disease. Alcohol use and binge drinking among our nation‘s youth is a major public health problem. Alcohol is one of the commonly consumed intoxicating substances in India. It is estimated that about 140 million people throughout the world suffer from alcohol dependence (WHO). Annual consumption of alcoholic beverages in India was expected to reach approximately 5.38 billion liters in 2016 and 6.53 billion liters by 2020. The objective of the study was assessing the knowledge regarding ill effect of alcoholism among clients attending de-addiction centre Nasik.

Materials and Methods:Descriptive survey approach was used as the nature of the problem under study and to accomplish the objectives of the study, Non-experimental research design is found to be appropriate to evaluatethe client‘s knowledge, on ill-effects of alcoholism. n=100 alcoholic client attending the de-addiction centre Nasik was selected by using purposive sampling technique. Structured questionnaires and scale was prepared to assess the knowledge, of clients regarding ill effects of alcoholism.  Knowledge level was scored as, 1-6 Inadequate, 7-12 Moderate and 13-18 Adequate knowledge regarding ill-effect of alcoholism. The data was analyzed by using a descriptive statistics that is in frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation and inferential statistics that is chi-square.

Results:The mean score 12.43±2.73 which is 59.76%.The SD of knowledge of clients regarding ill effects of alcoholism is 2.73. Which indicates the client having a adequate knowledge regarding ill effect of alcoholism.

Conclusion:The study concluded that there was an adequate knowledge among adult regarding ill-effect of alcoholism then also adult having more prevalence to alcohols. 

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Prof. Pournima Naik, Mr. Bhushan A.Thombare, A study to assess the knowledge regarding ill-effects of alcoholism among clients attending De-addiction centre, Nasik., GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-7 | Issue-7 | July-2018

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