Volume : VII, Issue : VII, July - 2018

A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding iron deficiency anemia among ANC mothers residing in rural area of Nasik district.

Prof. Arundhati Gurav, Prof. Pournima Naik, Mr. Bhushan A. Thombare

Abstract :

 INTRODUCTION: Iron de􀃶ciency, and speci􀃶cally iron de􀃶ciency anemia, remains one of the most severe and

important nutritional de􀃶ciencies in the world today. Every age group is vulnerable. Iron de􀃶ciency impairs the
cognitive development of children from infancy through to adolescence. It damages immune mechanisms, and is associated with
increased morbidity rates. During pregnancy, iron de􀃶ciency is associated with multiple adverse outcomes for both mother and infant,
including an increased risk of hemorrhage, sepsis, maternal mortality, prenatal mortality, and low birth weight. It is estimated that nearly all
women are to some degree iron de􀃶cient, and that more than half of the pregnant women in developing countries suffer from anemia. The
objective of the study were assess to the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on ‘Iron De􀃶ciency anemia‘ among Ante-natal
(ANC) mother residing at rural area.
Materials and Methods: Quasi experimental one group pre-test and post-test design was used. The sample for the study was n=100 ANC
mother from rural area selected by using simple random sampling technique. The pre-test was introduced to assess the knowledge among
the group of samples in view with pre-test result STP was formulated and introduce to the samples after that post-test was conducted and
the result were evaluated through structure questionnaire. The data was analyzed using paired t-test and chi-square.
Results: The average pre-test knowledge score among ANC mothers found 16.53,.After the STP, the mean post-test knowledge score
was40.77.Thus the difference in the ,level of knowledge in pre-test and post-test was con􀃶rm by obtained paired t-test value (7.79),16.53
respectively. This was statistically signi􀃶cant (P<0.001)
Conclusion: The structured teaching program was effective in improving knowledge of ANC Mother regarding iron de􀃶ciency anemia.

Keywords :

Article: Download PDF    DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra  

Cite This Article:

Prof. Arundhati Gurav, Prof. Pournima Naik, Mr. Bhushan A.Thombare, A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding iron deficiency anemia among ANC mothers residing in rural area of Nasik district., GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-7 | Issue-7 | July-2018

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