Volume : VI, Issue : I, January - 2017

A Study on Relationship between Health Consciousness and Consumer Behavior towards Ice creams

Dr. P. Kishore Kumar, Mohd Amzad Pasha

Abstract :

 The purpose of this paper is to know about the attitude of health conscious consumers about ice creams. The research model for this study had been developed based on theory of planned behavior (TPB). The independent factors considered are subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, and health consciousness. The independent factors are attitude, intention and purchase frequency. The sample size is 140 and regression analysis was used to test the hypothesis formulated. It is found from the study that health conscious consumers do not have positive attitude towards ice creams. The managerial implications are explained based on the findings from the study.



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Article: Download PDF    DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra  

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Dr. P. Kishore Kumar, Mohd Amzad Pasha, A Study on Relationship between Health Consciousness and Consumer Behavior towards Ice creams, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-6, Issue-1, January‾2017

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