Volume : V, Issue : XII, December - 2016
Prof Dr. S. Sreedevi, Prof Dr. N. Jeeva, Dr. A. Nirmala
Abstract :
This study aims at studying various causes and presentations of lower GI bleed and to emphasise the importance of Colonoscopy as a diagnostic tool in Lower GI bleed. Patients were subjected to digital rectal examination, proctoscopic examination, laboratory studies and colonoscopy. In this study, the commonest cause of Lower GI bleed was Haemorrhoids, followed by colitis. Colorectal lesions forms the next common cause of lower GI bleed. There were no cases of small bowel lesions recorded. The incidence of lower GI bleed was higher in males and most patients were in 30 – 50 years age group. Carcinoma rectum was the most common colorectal malignancy. < clear="all" style="page-eak-before:always;mso-eak-type:section-eak" />
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DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra
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Prof Dr.S.Sreedevi, Prof Dr.N.Jeeva, Dr.A.Nirmala, A STUDY ON LOWER GASTROINTESTINAL BLEED, Global Journal For Research Analysis,Volume : 5 | Issue : 12 | December 2016
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Prof Dr.S.Sreedevi, Prof Dr.N.Jeeva, Dr.A.Nirmala, A STUDY ON LOWER GASTROINTESTINAL BLEED, Global Journal For Research Analysis,Volume : 5 | Issue : 12 | December 2016