Volume : V, Issue : V, May - 2016


K Lavanya

Abstract :

 Inclusive education is a worldwide response to the belief that all children have the right to be educated at their local early childhood centre or school. India’s education system has undergone a series of transformations over many years, which has included modifications to how schools and their students are funded and managed, and the responsibilities various government departments have for ensuring all children receive the best possible education in a variety of environments. In this ancient system of education (the guru shishya parampara) all children were taught together, be it under a shady tree or in the gurukul, whether normal, gifted or physically or intellectually disabled and were seen as worthy of the benefits of education, each according to his/her abilities. It was inclusive education in the truest sense. But later with many changes in education system in India it has taken different ways and now the government had passed NPE and Right to Education Act, under which- every child have right to education free & compulsory. This article outlines those changes, suggests a way forward that will help ensure inclusive education practices in India match the current trends and barriers, and further reinforces the uniqueness that all children ing to their ‘sense’ of inclusion

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K Lavanya A STUDY ON: INCLUSIVE EDUCATION HISTORY, CURRENT TRENDS AND BARRIERS Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 5, Issue : 5 MAY 2016

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