Volume : V, Issue : I, January - 2016
A Study on Correlation of Intraocular Pressure with Visual Field Defect in Glaucoma Patients
Sivakumar . N, Hari Rama Subramaniam. S, Heber Anandan, Mohamed Ali J
Abstract :
Objective: The aim and objective of the study is to correlate the intraocular pressure and visual field defects in glaucomatous patients and to assess whether patients with raised intraocular pressure have similar type of visual field defects or it varies with individuals. Materials and methods: This is an Observational, cross-sectional case series study. Patients diagnosed with glaucoma in outpatient department of tertiary care hospital were included in the study. During 2 months of the study, intraocular pressure measurement, visual field test, visual acuity assessment and Optic disc changes were measured. Conclusion: Raised intraocular pressure was one of the major risk factors leading to visual field defects and complete vision loss in our society. Visual blindness was more common among the glaucoma patients who were not on anti-glaucoma treatment. So awareness about glaucoma and its effects is poor among the people.
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DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra
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Sivakumar .N, Hari Rama Subramaniam.S, Heber Anandan, Mohamed Ali J A Study on Correlation of Intraocular Pressure with Visual
Field Defect in Glaucoma Patients Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 5, Issue: 1 January 2016
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Sivakumar .N, Hari Rama Subramaniam.S, Heber Anandan, Mohamed Ali J A Study on Correlation of Intraocular Pressure with Visual Field Defect in Glaucoma Patients Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 5, Issue: 1 January 2016