Volume : V, Issue : XII, December - 2016


Mrs. Suma P C

Abstract :

 All of us are consumers and most of us enjoy shopping.   We spend a lot of time as consumer . Consumer is the real deciding factor of all economic activities .It is now universally accepted that the extent of consumer protection is a true indicator of the level of progress in a nation. The growing size and complexity of production and distribution systems, the high level of sophistication in marketing and selling practices  has contributed to the increased and urgent necessity to educate and motivate the consumer  .

Unawareness  and lack of knowledge on consumer’s rights and claim procedures potentially distort consumer’s capacity and ability to defend themselves against cunning trades .Therefore, a thorough investigation is needed to validate the extent of relationship between awareness and effective consumer behaviors . It attempts to analyse the Consumer rights awareness in Kannur district.100 respondents were selected from Kannur district by using convenience sampling technique. For the analysis and  interpretation percentage and chi square has been used.

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Mrs.SUMA P C, A STUDY ON CONSUMER RIGHTS AWARENESS IN KANNUR DISTRICT, Global Journal For Research Analysis,Volume : 5 | Issue : 12 | December 2016

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