Volume : V, Issue : V, May - 2016

A Study of presence of depression in acne vulgaris patients

Dr Pooja Prakash, Dr Anil Mohite, Dr Pritesh Gautam

Abstract :

 Aims and objectives- Studies on depression in acne vulgaris patients are limited. The present study was planned to find the presence and extent of depression and its association with various parameters like age, sex, educational status, scarring of the patient. Material and methods- This cross sectional study was conducted in Department of Dermatology from 2012 to 2014. The sample consisted of 80 patients diagnosed as acne vulgaris and graded on clinical grounds. Further these patients were subjected to Beck’s Depression Inventory (BDI). Some demographic study and then scoring was done from the data collected. Result- High BDI scores were seen in patients of higher grade of acne , females, lower educational levels, severe acne scarring. Conclusion-. BDI score was significantly associated with severity of acne, scarring, lower educational status of the patient.

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Dr Pooja Prakash, Dr Anil Mohite, Dr Pritesh Gautam A Study of presence of depression in acne vulgaris patients Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 5, Issue : 5 MAY 2016

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