Volume : V, Issue : X, October - 2016

A Study About Role Of Integrating Thinking Skill In Success Of Teacher

Dr. Paras Jain

Abstract :

 In the modern competitive and ICT based society, there is a great need of operating thinking skills. Thinking skills are necessary tools characterized by rapid change, many alternatives of actions, and numerous individual and collective choices and decisions. A great deal of the research currently being reported indicates that the direct teaching through integrating thinking skills can produce better, more creative thinkers. It is crucial for people to have skills in questioning, analyzing, compå, contrasting and evaluating. The findings from the integrating thinking skill research help teachers to teach through skills.

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Dr. Paras Jain A Study About Role Of Integrating Thinking Skill In Success Of Teacher Global Journal For Research Analysis,Volume-5, Issue-10, October‾2016

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