Volume : V, Issue : XII, December - 2016

A Retrospective Study on the Incidence of Breast Carcinoma in Raipur Institute Of Medical Science,RAIPUR,CHHATTISGURH

Dr. Gambheer Singh, Dr. Vinod Kumar Singh, Dr. Brajendra Kumar

Abstract :

  Breast cancer is the most frequent cancer in women following lung cancer worldwide. Our study was  aimed to look into the estimates of east  cancer  patients  in  the RIMS,Raipur,CHHATTISGURH.  A retrospective study for a period of 3 years was under taken. 428 east lumps presenting to the departments of surgery, radiotherapy and oncology were included in the study. Out of the 428 east lumps, 176 cases were fioadenoma east, 29 were phylloid tumour, 9 were fiocystic disease, 2 were duct papilloma, 3 were duct ectasia and 20 were inflammatory. Infiltrating ductal carcinoma with non-specific features was the commonest type, found in 168 patients. Other types include ductal carcinoma insitu 8 cases, 6 cases of infiltrating ductal carcinoma of medullary type. 5 cases were of invasive lobular type and 2 cases were Paget’s disease of nipple. India is experiencing an unprecedented rise in the number of east cancer and is having a lower mean age at presentation compared to what has been reported in the advanced countries of the world.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

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Dr. Gambheer singh, Dr. Vinod Kumar Singh, Dr. Brajendra Kumar , A Retrospective Study on the Incidence of Breast Carcinoma in Raipur Institute Of Medical Science,RAIPUR,CHHATTISGURH, Global Journal For Research Analysis,Volume : 5 | Issue : 12 | Decembe

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