Volume : VII, Issue : IV, April - 2018

A Record Based Study of Cranial Computed Tomography Scans (CT Scans) being conducted on cases of Head Injury coming in Radiology Department of Rajendra Institute Of Medical Sciences in Ranchi

Dr Suresh Kumar Toppo, Dr Paras Nath Ram, Dr Rajeev Kumar Ranjan, Dr Pulak Abhishek

Abstract :

 Introduction Traumatic ain injuries are on the rise in India and other developing countries. With more

affordability, comes more mobility and more risks as the data suggests Road Traffic Accidents to be the number one
cause of all Head Injuries. Head injuries can be a big dampener in one‘s productivity, can take a big toll on the near and dear ones owing to tis
long demands for the patient to be cured completely. CT scans since their invention have been proved to be of immense help in timely
surgical or medicinal interventions owing to the clarity and pin point picture they provide of the extent of the damage or the picture after
trauma . Evidence from the state of Jharkahnd is hard to 􀃶nd about the types of head of Injury coming for CT scans and the 􀃶ndings obtained
in the CT scans. With an aim to understand the present study was undertaken.
Methodology The present study was a record based study undertaken in the radiology department in Rajendra Institute of Medical
Sciences in the state capital of Jharkhand (Ranchi). A total of records available in the department with care taken to include 208 only
those records were reviewed , which were found to be having complete entries of Age ,sex ,Glasgow Coma scores , APL status ,BPL status
etc. Results Total of 208 Cranial CT scans were performed in the study period for head trauma . Male to female ratio was 3.5:1 (Table 1 ) .
About 40% of the scans were performed on patients in the age group of 21-40 . About 62% of cases were from Urban population and 70% of
cases were Above Poverty Line . Head injury occurred due to Road traffic Accidents in most cases (65%) followed by Alleged falls ( 21%) ,and
assaults ( 14%) .A GCS score of 9-12 was recorded in majority of the cases .

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Article: Download PDF    DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra  

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Dr Suresh Kumar Toppo, Dr Paras Nath Ram, Dr Rajeev Kumar Ranjan, Dr Pulak Abhishek, A Record Based Study of Cranial Computed Tomography Scans (CT Scans) being conducted on cases of Head Injury coming in Radiology Department of Rajendra Institute Of Medical Sciences in Ranchi, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-7 | Issue-4 | April-2018

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