Volume : VII, Issue : IX, September - 2018

A Process Documentation of teaching learning of Environmental Studies at Primary Level

Sheerein Humaira

Abstract :

Over the years environmental education has become an important topic of discussion all over the world. It can be defined as a process of developing a world population that is aware of and concerned about the total environment and its associated problems, and which has the knowledge, skills, attitudes, motivations and commitment to work individually and collectively towards solutions of current problems and prevention of new ones. There have been studies on it related attitude,awareness,knowledge etc. The researcher, through this study, aimed to observe the Environmental studies classroomsin order to see the implementation of policies laid down of government related to the subject. It will discuss the challenges, methods of teaching environmental studies at primary level.

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Sheerein Humaira, A Process Documentation of teaching learning of Environmental Studies at Primary Level, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-7 | Issue-9 | September-2018

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