Volume : VI, Issue : IX, September - 2017

A Morphometric Study of Supratrochlear Foramen of Humerus in North Indian population

Dr Prerna Jagdish, Dr Sumit Kumar

Abstract :

  The olecranon and coronoid fossa at the distal end of humerus are usually separated by a thin bony septum lined by synovial memane in life. In some individuals this bony septum may become perforated to form an opening called supratrochlear foramen (STF) or septal aperture of humerus. The presence of STF was studied in 110 dry adult humeri of unknown sex from the department of Anatomy. The presence & shapes of the STF were established by visual observations. The supracondylar foramen is seen in 27.3% of total humeri. The round shaped STF is more common than oval and it is mostly seen on the left sided humerii.

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Dr Prerna Jagdish, Dr Sumit Kumar, A Morphometric Study of Supratrochlear Foramen of Humerus in North Indian population, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : VOLUME-6, ISSUE-9, SEPTEMBER-2017

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