Volume : V, Issue : XI, November - 2016


Ms. Shanthi Santhosh Kumari. S, Mrs. P. Vaijayanthimala, Dr. M. Sasirekha, Dr. Mahima Sophia, Dr. Shruthy. K. M, Mrs. J. Chanemougavally, Dr. Leonoline Ebenezer

Abstract :

 Jugular foramen of human skull is one of the most interesting foramina. AIM: The present study was done to examine t and assess the length and width of jugular foramen. MATERIALS & METHODS: The study was conducted on 30 dried skulls from department of anatomy, A.C.S medical college, Chennai. The jugular foramen was observed by naked eye, 60 jugular foramina both right and left side of skull was measured using divider and scale. RESULTS: The mean width of right and the left sides were 9.5mm and 8.2mm respectively. The mean length of right and left sides were 15.12mm and 14.12mm respectivel

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Article: Download PDF    DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra  

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Ms. Shanthi Santhosh kumari. S, Mrs. P. Vaijayanthimala, Dr. M. Sasirekha, Dr. Mahima Sophia, Dr. Shruthy. K. M, Mrs. J. Chanemougavally, Dr. Leonoline Ebenezer, A MORPHOLOGICAL STUDY OF JUGULAR FORAMEN IN DRY SKULL, Global Journal For Research Analysis,V

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