Volume : VI, Issue : XI, November - 2017

A Geostatistical analysis of the relationship between village size and prevalence of Vector Borne Diseases in Indian villages

Rajkumar Ghosh, Sibsankar Mal

Abstract :

 Vector borne diseases (VBDs) have emerged as a major public health problem in India. Government of India has launched various schemes to improve water and sanitation facility. This study tries to find the village factor which leads to selected diseases. Village data of District Level Household Survey 2007-08 has used for analysis. Study reveals that Prevalence of malaria is higher in east region of India and chicken pox in South and central states of India. One third of east India, villages is under poorest and richest category respectively. In South east region two fifth of villages come under poorest category. Odds ratio of vector borne disease significantly vary by size of the villages. It is concluded that with the intensified efforts toward creating a public awareness about VBDs, the meas­ures taken to control vectors other than personal protection measures suggested that health education interventions are effective and remain a valuable tool in community-based vector prevention and control interventions.

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Rajkumar Ghosh, Sibsankar Mal, A Geostatistical analysis of the relationship between village size and prevalence of Vector Borne Diseases in Indian villages, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : VOLUME-6, ISSUE-11, NOVEMBER-2017

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