Volume : IV, Issue : XI, November - 2015

A Detailed Survey on Sacred Groves of Different extends in the Coastal Belt of Thrissur District, Kerala, India

Jincy. T. S, Subin. M. P

Abstract :

Sacred groves represent a major effort to recognize and conserve ethnic biodiversity traditionally. As an ecosystem, they even help in soil and water conservation besides preserving the rich biological diversity and microclimatic conditions of the region. Now a day the environmental significance of the sacred groves is a matter well forgotten and are gradually disappeå under the influence of changing socioeconomic scenario, disappearance of the tharavadu system, shift in belief systems, development projects and other anthropogenic activities, and many of them are now just relics of a once-gregarious vegetation. Under these circumstances, preservation, conservation and management of these groves warrant top priority. However no concrete steps are being initiated to protect and conserve these groves and this may be mainly due to lack of awareness regarding the environmental significance of sacred groves by the local people together with lack of proper information regarding their existence in the region by the public and concerned agencies who are entrusted to safe guard the existing groves in the region. If concrete steps are not taken to stop their deterioration, these micro cosmos will disappear from the face of earth, resulting in loss of biodiversity which may include valuable species of flora and fauna and finally cause imbalance in the ecosystem. A detailed survey of sacred groves is the first and foremost step to be carried out to inform and make aware the organizations and bodies who are supposed to protect these natural resource pockets. Thrissur is one of the districts having large number of sacred groves in Kerala which are distinct and unique in biological diversity. It is understood from people inhabiting the vicinity of groves in the coastal belt of Thrissur district that most of the groves have started gradual deterioration in terms of biological diversity, composition and extend due to various anthropogenic interventions. In the present study a detailed survey of existence of sacred groves in the coastal belt of Thrissur district has been conducted. Various information regarding sacred groves such as name, location, extend, deity, ownership and management etc were collected and documented.

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Jincy.T.S, Subin.M.P A Detailed Survey on Sacred Groves of Different extends in the Coastal Belt of Thrissur District,Kerala,India Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 4, Issue: 11 November 2015

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