Volume : VII, Issue : II, February - 2018

A descriptive study to assess the knowledge of menstrual hygiene among adolescent girls with view to develop pamphlet in selected rural school of Batala, Distt Gurdaspur, Punjab.

Mamta Gill

Abstract :


Today millions of adolescent girls suffer with reproductive tract infections and its complications and other infection is transmitted to the off-spring of the mothers. Therefore increased knowledge about menstruation right from childhood may escalate safe practices and may help in mitigating the suffering of millions of adolescent girls potentially for infections. The objectives of the study are:-1) To assess the knowledge of menstrual hygiene among adolescent girls. 2) To find out the relationship between knowledge of adolescent girls with selected demographic variables. 3) To develop and distribute pamphlet on menstrual hygiene. A descriptive study was conducted among 100 adolescent girls of Village bhagowal District Gurdaspur, Punjab. Self–Structured questionnaires and purposive sampling technique was used to collect data. The result showed that nearly 68 (68%) had average level of knowledge and 17 (17%) had below average level of knowledge and 15(15%) had good level of knowledge. Hence, it can be concluded that majority of the adolescent girls had average level of knowledge. Association with grade, mother’s education, monthly family income, age of menarche was found to be statistically significant whereas association with age, religion, source of information was found to be non significant. Pamphlets were distributed to improve knowledge of adolescent girls regarding menstrual hygiene.

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Mamta Gill, A descriptive study to assess the knowledge of menstrual hygiene among adolescent girls with view to develop pamphlet in selected rural school of Batala, Distt Gurdaspur, Punjab., GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : VOLUME-7, ISSUE-2, FEBRUARY-2018

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