Volume : VII, Issue : IV, April - 2018
A descriptive study on non venereal dermatoses of male genitalia
Dr R. Suganthy Rajakumari, Dr R. Sudha
Abstract :
The study was conducted to know the trends in presentation of non-venereal dermatoses for a three-year period in the Department of Sexually Transmitted Diseases.
Malepatients diagnosed to have non-venereal dermatoses after complete STI screening were the study population. The age-wise distribution andthesexual orientation of those patients with non-venereal dermatoses were recorded in this study.
Among the total 10276 STI clinic attendees, 560patients had non-venereal dermatoses.Candidalbalanoposthitis topped the list constituting 41.6% followed by pearly penile papules, genital vitiligo, scabies etc. Thus we recorded 20 different dermatoses in this study. Age-wise distribution showed more number among21-30years on May 2014 -April 2015, May 2016- April 2017 and 31-40 years on May 2016-April 2017.Decreasing trend was noticed among patients with bisexual behaviour and heterosexual with extramarital contacts. Whereas there was a decline on May 2015- April 2016 but an upsurge was noticed on May 2016- April 2017 on heterosexual with premarital contact and homosexuals.
The incidence of non venereal dermatoseswas found to be 5.4%(560/10276). Candidalbalanoposthitis was the most frequent non-venereal dermatoses noticed in this study. The most number of patients presented here in this study were from age group 21-30 and 31-40years. The role of expert in differentiating venereal and non-venereal dermatoses is needed for the benefit of patients with distress.
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DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra
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Dr R.Suganthy Rajakumari, Dr R.Sudha, A descriptive study on non venereal dermatoses of male genitalia, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-7 | Issue-4 | April-2018
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Dr R.Suganthy Rajakumari, Dr R.Sudha, A descriptive study on non venereal dermatoses of male genitalia, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-7 | Issue-4 | April-2018