Volume : V, Issue : X, October - 2016
A Cross sectional KAP (Knowledge, Attitude & Practice) Study for Risk Assessment in Dental Patients Among Dental Interns in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ammar S. Al Shamrani
Abstract :
The medically compromised dental patients continue to increase all over the world. This study analyzed that the interns at government and the private dental schools of Saudi Arabia were trained competitively during their curriculum to identify and manage the medical problems associated with the dental patients. Study Design: A total of 90 dental interns were randomly surveyed throughout the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to collect feedback in a structured google form. Results: The Microsoft Excel sheet sheet 2007 was used for preliminary statistical analysis and then analyzed using the Decision Analyst 2.00©11software.The ‘z’ test was used as a differentiator between the groups. The most common medical emergency episodes reported were of vasovagal attack and the hypoglycemia. Feedback predominantly came from Government institutions. In areas of mal-practice insurance, standardized case history and their BLS training, Interns from Government Dental schools fared much better than private ones. Most of the interns responded were from the western region of the kingdom [42.2%]. Conclusion: Government trained interns emerged better than private to identify, report and deal with medical compromised patients. There is definitive need to improve the knowledge and thus the confidence levels of the interns. The training gaps of interns may have regional variation in the kingdom,hence more studies must be attempted in this domain.
Keywords :
Basic Life support cross sectional Dental school Interns Medically compromised Saudi Arabia training
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DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra
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Ammar S. Al Shamrani A Cross sectional KAP (Knowledge, Attitude & Practice) Study for Risk Assessment in Dental Patients Among Dental Interns in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Global Journal For Research Analysis,Volume-5, Issue-10, October‾2016
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Ammar S. Al Shamrani A Cross sectional KAP (Knowledge, Attitude & Practice) Study for Risk Assessment in Dental Patients Among Dental Interns in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Global Journal For Research Analysis,Volume-5, Issue-10, October‾2016